Summary for Tegenaria parietina (Araneae)

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Tegenaria parietina subadult female Copyright: Esmond Brown
Identification difficulty rating: 3
Name: Tegenaria parietina
Authority: (Fourcroy, 1785)
Order: Arachnida: Araneae
Family: Agelenidae
IUCN status: LC

Records: 165
First Record: 1820
Latest Record: 2021

1992-on hectads: 34
Pre-1992 hectads: 33
Total hectads: 60

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About this species

Recorded altitude range
1m to 180m

Species text

The species is widespread within its range in Britain, occupying the southern counties of England, but not those in the south-west. In Europe it is widespread from Portugal to Russia, and from Italy to Scandinavia ( It also occurs in eastern Ireland.

Habitat and ecology
Roberts (1995) records the habitat as 'sometimes in houses but usually in very old buildings'. It can also occur in abundance on the outside of buildings (e.g. Pershore Abbey, Worcestershire) and has been collected well away from habitation, for example, from an ivy-covered wall in Marlborough, Wiltshire, and a hedge near St Ives, Cambridgeshire (Oxford, pers. obs). These habitats are described in Roberts (1995) as being more typical of the species in southern Europe and may be an indication of a warming climate. Adults of both sexes have mostly been recorded in late summer and autumn. This species shows extreme sexual dimorphism for leg length. For specimens with a similar body size, mature males have legs almost twice as long as those of females (Oxford & Merrett 2000).

Locally common.

Author of profile: Geoff Oxford.

Oxford, G. S. & Merrett, P. 2000. Tegenaria ferruginea (Panzer) in Britain, and differences from T. parietina (Fourcroy) (Araneae: Agelenidae). Bull. Br. arachnol. Soc. 11: 331-334.
Roberts, M.J. 1995. Spiders of Britain & Northern Europe. London: HarperCollins.

 Account last edited by Geoff Oxford at 14:51 on Tue 9th Jan 2024.

Adult Season

Adult Season Data (based on 63 records with adult season information)


background methodology

Broad Habitat Data (based on 26 records with habitat information)

no subhabitat data available

Structural Habitat Data (based on 1 records with structural habitat information)

Habitat Detail and Method (based on 4 records with habitat detail and method information)

Recorded management for locations with Tegenaria parietina

Recorded substrate and hydrology for locations with Tegenaria parietina


Tegenaria parietina subadult female
Tegenaria parietina subadult female
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